Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Early Check-in / Blutique (GICC Ballroom Lobby)
12PM – 5PM
No C'93 Activity on 5/17
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Spelman Bookstore Pop-Up Shop
10am -6pm​
Marriott Gateway Hotel, Phoenix Room
Reunion Check-in / Blutique / Vendors Market (GICC Ballroom Lobby)
7am - 6pm
Sisterhood Breakfast & Convocation (GICC Ballroom Lobby)*
8am - 10:30am
Breakfast not guaranteed after 8:45am)
Arts, Music, and literature Showcase (GICC Ballroom Lobby)
11am - 1pm​
Class Photos (GICC) ‡
12:30pm - Group B
White Attire Requested
Swag Bag distribution after Class Picture
- Marriott Gateway​
C'93 Welcome Mixer/Meet and Greet
7pm – 10pm
The Beverly Atlanta
790 Glenwood Ave, Suite 260
Atlanta, GA 30316
Friday, May 19, 2023
Spelman Bookstore Pop-Up Shop
10am - 6pm​
Marriott Gateway Hotel, Phoenix Room
​Reunion Check-in / Blutique
9am - 12pm​
Vendors Market (GICC Ballroom Lobby)
9am – 6pm
Shuttle Service Begins to Campus from GICC
5pm - Last shuttle leaves campus
​Blue Box Lunch available for pick-up (GICC Boardroom 1)*
Concessions available for non-registered reunioners
Class Meeting (GICC Salon III) ‡
11:30am - 1pm
March Through Alumnae Arch (Spelman College) ‡
2:45pm Line Up begins
White Attire Tradition Required
C'93 SpelHouse Party
Spice House Buckhead
8pm – 1am
2591 Piedmont Rd, NE
Atlanta, GA 30324
Special Invitation from Sherry Darby
Classmate, Sherry Darby, is inviting the C’93 to her recently opened coffee|tea|wine café
After the March through the Alumnae Arch
451 Lee Street, Atlanta, GA 30310 (Entra West End Complex, lower level, across from Morehouse School of Medicine)
***NOTE: Those who are taking the shuttle/bus back to GICC/Gateway Hotels, please be mindful that the last shuttle leaves campus at 5pm. Plan accordingly. ***
Swag Bag distribution 10am before Class meeting GICC ​
Saturday, May 20, 2023
Spelman Bookstore Pop-Up Shop
9am - 12pm​
Marriott Gateway Hotel, Phoenix Room
​NAASC Annual Meeting
Spelman College - Cosby LL32
Baccalaureate (GICC Exhibit Hall)
10am - 12pm
No ticket required
​Continuous shuttle service
GICC hotels to GICC
4pm – 11:30pm
True Blue Gala (GICC)*
6PM Pre-function reception
7PM Gala begins
C'93 Reunion Rooftop Social
12pm – 4pm
Spaceman Rooftop Lounge
Hyatt Centric Buckhead Hotel
3301 Lenox Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30326
Advance ticket purchase required for admission**
Ticket Sales have closed; Purchase Deadline: May 12th
Attire: Reunion t-shirt or Spelman / Morehouse paraphernalia
Food guaranteed until 2:30pm
Admitted guests will receive wristbands at check-in
Sunday, May 21, 2023
Commencement (GICC Exhibit Halls)
Ticket Required
C'93 Reunion Brunch
9:30am - 11:30am
Mary Mac's Tea Room
224 Ponce De Leon Ave, Atlanta, GA 30308
Advance Payment required by 5/16/2023
* Included with Spelman College Reunion registration.
** Included with $125 class dues fee. Not part of Spelman College reunion registration. Class dues cover C’93 events and t-shirt.
‡ Events marked with a (‡) are free of charge and do not require registration.
GICC – Georgia International Convention Center